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We are Dedicated to
Simplifying the College Prep Process For Students/Families

Collegize helps students and families prepare for college. Our goal is to simplify the college preparation process to ensure students easily find their best-fit college, understand financial aid, and achieve post-secondary success.


Why our services are unique

  • Our curriculum and resources are based on driving  the largest impact with families and students

  • Our resources are based on experiences attending and working at majority minority high schools

  • The team has attended Ivy League colleges and has exclusive insight into their recruiting practices

  • Our students have gained admission into the nation's top colleges and hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships and financial aid


The Collegize App

With high school counselors overworked with caseloads of hundreds of students, many students and parents are left without guidance related to college readiness. Collegize steps in to provide guidance via notifications, access to detailed college information, and unique access to scholarships and summer activities. Collegize is a must-have for any student or parents looking to have college success.

The Collegize Book

Written with busy families in mind, The College Preparation Process is a resource students and parents can use to strengthen college applications, discover best-fit colleges, and get money-saving financial aid tips and breakdowns. Whether new to the college readiness process or in need of a refresher, The College Preparation Process is a worthwhile resource for anyone looking to reach their college goals.

Success Story!


Book Reviews!


"I used The College Preparation Process when my daughter got ready to apply to college and it completely changed the experience for us"! - Amazon


"This book take a big, scary process and makes it much easier to digest and understand" - Amazon

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Copyright © 2020. College Preparation Program

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We help college-bound students and families get into their best-fit college, avoid excessive student loans, and achieve college success.




We strive to dramatically transform the way the nation's students prepare for college.




We expect our students to earn a bachelor’s degree and accumulate no more than $40,000 in debt.

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