Determining whether you can get into your college and strengthening your application are the most tasks related to preparing for college and what we will review this week!

Collegize Weekly Activity:
Review the 5 most important factors related to Can I Get In?!
College Scoop!
The first question all college-bound students must ask when assessing a school is, by far, the most critical question to any young person’s journey to a best-fit college: “Can I Get In?”. Acceptance must be the first criteria of a best-fit college because without the possibility of acceptance, nothing else about the school matters. This first question is so important that almost all of what we will be doing here will be focused around strengthening the application to help you Get In.
Every college admissions office is different, but they all typically evaluate students based on the same criteria. Master the below criteria and you will undoubtedly see success with college admissions. This year we will review each one in-depth and strengthen your application with activities.
- GPA (Grade Point Average)
- ACT/SAT Scores
- Activities/Passion
- Application Essay
- Letters of Support